The parcel is entirely forested with many mature hardwood trees. There is a spring originating on the property which feeds tributaries that lead to Tank Creek at the northern end. Marine Corps Base Quantico is situated on the land north of Tank Creek. It was originally part of the historic Chelsea estate, owned by General George Mason Cooke (1792-1866). A large portion of the Chelsea estate was developed over 20 years ago into what is now the Chelsea Manor subdivision. The land is in an area that is vulnerable to development.
The landowner purchased this 19.5-acre property 40 years ago to protect it from development. She is now passing the torch to NVCT so that it can be conserved in perpetuity. Your support will help NVCT raise 50% of the purchase price, with the other 50% coming from grant funding. Help us protect this critical forested land.
Partners in Protecting
Tank Creek Preserve
Cause-aligned collaboration
NVCT has secured numerous partners within our community who look to support purchase efforts, stewardship, and interpretive programs once the property is protected. This includes:
The Friends of Widewater State Park and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation - volunteer stewardship and interpretive programming.
Stafford County supports the purchase of Tank Creek Preserve as it complies with the open space conservation goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
NVCT MOU partner: Quantico recognizes its critical role as a protected buffer for the base.
George Washington Regional Commission supports our purchase because of its compliance with its 2017 Green Infrastructure Plan.