Land conservation is our way of protecting nature and preserving history. Northern Virginia Conservation Trust is committed to safeguarding nearby nature in our region, often through the use of conservation easements. Once an easement is signed and officially part of the deed of a property, it is up to our dedicated land stewardship staff to ensure that the conservation agreement is upheld.
NVCT's stewardship specialists display passionate professionalism as they make annual visits to each property we protect. During such visits, they meet with landowners, document their properties' conditions, and confirm that any property plans align with the conservation easement's terms.
Sometimes, our stewards get a treat that serves as a reminder of why they do what they do, and that’s just what happened on a recent property visit.
"One of the coolest parts of my job is seeing animals enjoying the land we've protected," said Alyssa Hemler, Stewardship Specialist for NVCT, after a monitoring session in Loudoun County.
The horses seemed delighted to have Alyssa on the property and sure did show it in that beautiful moment.
"I get to visit all kinds of places throughout Northern Virginia, from forests full of birds and deer to farms full of horses and chickens. It's fun seeing all the different species who benefit from the work we do!"
Alyssa embodies the love we share for nearby nature ;throughout our neighborhoods and communities. Just like conservation easements, she’s part of the glue that binds the partnership between landowners and our organization in a special way.