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Strategic Plan

Climate change is an urgent challenge, and the protection of our natural landscapes is critical now more than ever. For the past 30 years, NVCT has been safeguarding the land in Northern Virginia, and we are committed to continuing this vital work.


Virginia’s diverse landscapes and communities present unique ecological challenges. To address these, we must evolve as an organization, adapting to both the environmental and community needs of today and tomorrow.


Our  goals for the next five years will require growth in our capacity, resources, and partnerships. With the support of landowners, donors, and volunteers, we’ve come this far, and we invite you to join us as we become the land trust Northern Virginia needs to build a resilient, sustainable future.

Our Guiding Principles 

Urgency of Protecting Nature

We believe that nature has unique intrinsic value, and we urgently need to protect it, understanding that if lost, it can never be replaced


Future Generations

We are dedicated to conserving land and waters for the benefit of future generations, inspiring a diverse cohort of conservationists, and ensuring a healthier, sustainable future for all.


Health and Wellbeing

We recognize the healing power of natural and open spaces and their crucial role in advancing public health and wellbeing.


Addressing Climate Change

We understand the vital role of nature in mitigating the effects of climate change and strive to protect important lands and waters for the resilience and health of our communities.


Personal Commitment

We are driven by a personal passion for nature and a deeply held responsibility to improve the world

Community Service

We are committed to serving the people within our boundaries and preserving our environment in recognition of the many benefits it brings.


Education and Awareness

We are committed to educating the public about the benefits of land conservation and empowering people from all walks of life to become stewards of the environment.


Collaboration and Partnership

We believe in the power of collaboration and the impact of committed groups working towards a common goal.


Inclusivity and Equity

We honor and conserve land and waters cared for by diverse communities and ensure equitable access to green spaces for people of all backgrounds, recognizing their history and culture.

Combating the Climate Crisis

We will continue to protect Northern Virginia's land while prioritizing areas critical to its ecological stability. It is our responsibility to protect the homegrown resources and vital ecosystems needed to fight climate change in Northern Virginia for the benefit of all. Everyone should have access to clean air, water, and all the physical and mental benefits of nature.


Connecting with Our Community

By embedding inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility into our work, we will forge lasting partnerships with communities historically excluded from conservation. These relationships are key to achieving our goal of creating tailored community conservation solutions, like the Terborgh Terrace garden, in every area we serve.

Expanding Our Reach 

To effectively influence environmental policy, NVCT recognizes that becoming a well-known and respected entity within the region is essential. We want to elevate our visibility so that our conservation work and programs are broadly recognized and utilized.  Notoriety will also help position NVCT as a trusted leader in conservation, influencing land use and environmental protection policy in Northern Virginia.

Read the Full Plan

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