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Saving Nearby Nature
in Stafford County

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Partners Protecting Land

You have various options to explore when deciding how to protect your land in Stafford County. Your property might be eligible for a county-sponsored conservation program, or you might find partnering with your local land trust more suitable. NVCT maintains a formal partnership with Stafford County, with dedicated staff assisting landowners with the conservation process.

Laura Hassell

NVCT Land Conservation Specialist


Conservation Options in Stafford County

Stafford County Conservation Options

Stafford County Conservation Options

Stafford County Conservation Options
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McClevey Brothers, Participants in the Purchase of Development Rights Program in Stafford County.

McClevey Brothers, Participants in the Purchase of Development Rights Program in Stafford County.

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Sophie Lynn, participant in Stafford County's Transfer of Development Rights Program.

Sophie Lynn, participant in Stafford County's Transfer of Development Rights Program.

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Henry Moncure NVCT Conserved Landowner in Stafford County.

Henry Moncure NVCT Conserved Landowner in Stafford County.

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The Stafford County Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program preserves rural lands and water resources by compensating landowners with 20 or more acres to place a conservation easement on their property. This limits further residential development on the property, ensuring efficient use of Stafford's resources. 

The Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program aims to protect the rural surroundings of Crow's Nest while encouraging development near existing public services and infrastructure. Unlike PDR, TDR transactions occur directly between property owners without County funds and aim to conserve rural open spaces and natural resources.

Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements landowners enter to permanently restrict the land development rights. With a conservation easement, the landowner retains the typical property ownership rights, such as choosing what to farm, selling the land, and passing it on to heirs. The gift of a conservation easement can result in significant tax benefits.

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