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Arlington County

Conserving Arlington's Treasured Land

Arlington is a small, but heavily populated urban county. In Arlington County, NVCT has 33 conservation easement protected properties, owns five parcels within its borders, and works with the County to conserve its open spaces. These lands serve the community members by protecting habitat, stream valleys, open space, and recreational areas, as well as enhancing water quality and helping Arlington reach its Chesapeake Bay ordinance goals. The conservation properties help provide a breath of nature amid the bustling, vibrant communities of Arlington. ​ Arlington County property owners have worked with the Trust to protect these notable sites:

  • Glebe House, the iconic house for which Glebe Road is named, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Virginia Landmarks Register, and is an Arlington County Local Historic District;

  • A portion of the Long Branch stream valley, in a residential neighborhood near Troy Park in South Arlington,that is connected to public parks and recreation sites with a walking path;

  • A one-half acre site, owned by NVCT on Old Dominion Drive, where NVCT removed invasive plants and restored natural habitat with grant funds from the Dominion Foundation. The Trust has a formal partnership with Arlington County to support the Public Spaces Master Plan and the Natural Resources Management Plan. In this partnership, we engage with neighborhoods, reach out to new audiences, and seek ways to conserve areas with high concentrations of natural resources.

Open space and Natural Areas in Arlington This map shows public land and parks in bright green, NVCT conserved lands marked with blue dots, and other private easements in dark green.

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